Disability Training

Over the past year, a local NGO, Siyakwazi, has engaged Thanda Staff in Disability and Inclusion Training where staff were asked to observe, reflect, analyse and act on how…

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Heritage Day

To prepare for Heritage Day, a South African holiday on September 24th, After-school participants discussed culture – how they developed and how theirs relates to other people and cultures…

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Book Club

One of our After-school Facilitators, Mafiki, started a book club called the “Eager Beavers” with her class participants and any other children that wanted to join. They pick a…

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This month, 125 students from various schools participated in a chess tournament held at Thanda. Students who play chess in our After-school Programme have shown a greater increase in…

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A Collage of Me

The oldest class in our After-school Programme is a dedicated and creative group of high school students, many of whom have been in Thanda for 4 years. Recently, they…

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