Journey into healing

I hesitated to walk forward. The blindfold tightly wrapped around my head caused my sight to go dark and most of my…

Living a life of learning

On February 14th, 1990, the Voyager 1 space probe reached 6,054,587,000 kilometres from Earth, completing its record-breaking mission as a part of the Family…

Facilitator-student bond

“I was nervous to teach, but then all of the students started running to me, greeting me with tight hugs and introduced themselves, even…

Human Rights Day

Today, 21 March, marks a significant event in South Africa’s history – Human Rights Day. On this day in 1960, police opened fire on…

2016 – A Year in Review

Looking back on this year has us feeling many emotions – proud of what we’ve accomplished, grateful for what our donors have made possible,…

The Spirit of Ubuntu


As the year closes, we are taking some time to reflect on the people in our local community and the impact our supporters have helped…

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