Our partnership with NIVEA began in early 2016 with four principal goals in mind, which are outlined below. But beyond these goals, the NIVEA team has developed strong relationships with our staff, worked directly with our children, and played a pivotal role in uplifting our community.



Thanda Centre



Our partnership with NIVEA enabled us to provide ECD Programming for 19 children in 2016 and to expand the programme in 2017 to support a total of 60 children by building ECD classrooms at the NIVEA Thanda Centre. Additionally, NIVEA provides support for our ECD Feeding Scheme, which ensures that children enrolled in our ECD Programmes are properly nourished so that they can develop and grow.
With respect to our After-school Programmes (which support over 720 children in Grades R-9), NIVEA’s contributions have significantly improved our daily operations by assisting with transportation, telecommunications, educational supplies, and a portion of staff salaries.

“While previously, we have always made things work at Thanda, NIVEA’s support has given us the support and flexibility to work to our full potential to provide the best programmes possible for children, as well as expand our programmes to support more children from the community.”

– Raah Msimango, Thanda Operations Manager
NIVEA’s support has also ensured that our Feeding Centre is fully operational – allowing us to serve over 112,6565 meals for children and youth since the partnership began in 2016 – and that the NIVEA Thanda Centre can remain open seven days every week.
The NIVEA Thanda Centre is especially important, as it ensures that children and youth in our community always have a place to go where they are safe and supported. In 2016, 4,238 children visited the NIVEA Thanda Centre on holidays and weekends to learn and play. Undoubtedly, our recently expanded skatepark was a leading factor in the high number of visits to the centre last year.

NIVEA staff colouring with After-school children

NIVEA team building skate ramps

The NIVEA team has also contributed their time by reading stories with children and improving the facilities at the NIVEA Thanda Centre – building recycling stations, painting fences, planting flowers, and repairing library books. NIVEA’s team has also been generous in mentoring our staff on marketing, fundraising, and administrative functions. NIVEA’s support has been central to our growth and success over the past year, for which we are tremendously grateful.