We believe a green approach is better
At the core lies our off-grid Community Centre, a hub of activity seamlessly integrating sustainable concepts from solar power to biodigesters and water harvesting. Through our Organic Farming interventions, farmers and households are becoming climate-resilient whilst using regenerative, agro-ecological practices that sequester carbon and strengthen the soil.
We believe a more African approach to education is possible.
Methodologies that are rooted in culture and emphasise cooperative learning, inclusion and connection make sense in a rural African context.
We believe books are magic
Children in Africa have learnt from folktales, legends, and fables for ages. Storybooks are captivating tools that spark wonder, sharpen curiosity, deepen connection, and expand perspective.
We believe resilience is a team effort
Building resilient children means also building strong households and thriving neighbourhoods. TOGETHER we can create positive change.
We believe we are all interconnected
Every living being is connected to each other and the environment. Helping children see themselves as part of this web from a young age is essential for the success of humanity and our planet.
We believe there’s more to education than academics
Education prepares children for life and life is more than academics. What they build in social-emotional skills today informs the type of parents, neighbours, community leaders and national citizens they will become.
We believe in innovation
Solving generational problems is complex and requires a lot of nuanced thought leadership and community involvement.
We work together to research, design, pilot, and implement innovative blueprints that we continue to adapt over time.
We believe
change takes time
We begin with babies at birth and as children grow older, involvement in Thanda’s other initiatives builds on this initial investment so that children are continuously strengthening in their journey of development and learning.
This is important because lasting change is not quick business, and that’s okay. Achieving transformative change that lasts a lifetime is worth the deep investment of our time and resources.

Thanda Community Centre
We believe in creating spaces for growth. The Thanda Community Centre is the hub of our operations and a safe place for children in the area.
Imbewu ECD
Digital Lab
Feeding Centre
Art Centre
Teacher Resource Centre (TRC)
In South Africa
55% of the population lives below the poverty line.[1]
In South Africa
21% of children are stunted due to malnutrition.[2]
In South Africa
37% of South African homes have any fiction or nonfiction books.[3]
In KwaZulu Natal
31% of children have access to Early Childhood Development opportunities; access in KZN is lower than the national average.[4]
In our local community
90% of citizens are unemployed.[5]
In our local community
37% of households have access to safe drinking water.[5]
[1] Cuevas, P. (2023). Poverty & Equity Brief South Africa. World Bank Group Poverty & Equity. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://povertydata.worldbank.org.
[2] Tshitaudzi Gilbert, & Sylla, M. (2021, March 30). The “slow violence” of malnutrition in South Africa. United Nations. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://southafrica.un.org/en/123531-slow-violence-malnutrition-south-africa
[3] The Nal’ibali Trust & The National Library of South Africa. (2023). National Reading Barometer South Africa: Summary Report 2023. The Nal’ibali Trust. https://www.readingbarometersa.org.
[4] Department of Basic Education. 2022. ECD Census 2021: Report. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education.
[5] Wazimap. (2016). Wards in Umzumbe, Ugu, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Retrieved April 4, 2024, from https://wazimap.co.za/