Creative Learning through Stories and Engaging Activities

Ukufunda ngendlela enobuhlakani kusetshenziswa izindaba kanye nemisebenzi ehehayo


Storybooks aid in the development of game changing skills like empathy, creativity, problem solving and more!

Amakhono aqavile okujika izimo

Izincwadi zezindaba ziyasiza kakhulu ukuthuthukisa amakhono aqavile okujika izimo njegozwelo, ubuhlakani, ukuxazulula izinkinga kanye namanye!

Develop Game Changing Skills

Storybooks aid in the development of game changing skills like empathy, creativity, problem solving and more!

Amakhono aqavile okujika izimo

Izincwadi zezindaba ziyasiza kakhulu ukuthuthukisa amakhono aqavile okujika izimo njegozwelo, ubuhlakani, ukuxazulula izinkinga kanye namanye.

Let's Explore Together!

Asiye kobheka sonke!

Watch the stories and enjoy the experiential activities, involving everything from art projects to science experiments, to build game-changing skills whilst having fun.
Bukela izindaba uphinde ujabulele imisebenzi eyenziwa yokuhlanganyela, lemisebenzi ibandakanya yonke into kusukela ekwenzeni imisebenzi yezandla kuya ekuhloleni kwesayensi, ngenhloso yokuthuthukisa amakhono kodwa ube ujabulile.

Our Creative Learning website is Data Free on all major networks in South Africa.

Ingosi yethu yokufunda ngobuhlakani imahhala noma ngabe usebenzisa eyiphi inethiwekhi eNingizimu Africa.

This means you will not be billed for data whilst learning!

Lokhu kusho ukuthi angeke ukhokhele i-data ngenkathi ufunda kulengosi.


Nakhu okuqoshiwe (videos) kwabazali kanye nabasizi okutshengisa ukuthi kwenziwa kanjani

How to Video’s for Guardian’s and Facilitators

Nakhu okuqoshiwe (videos) kwabazali kanye nabasizi okutshengisa ukuthi kwenziwa kanjani

Watch these videos in English or isiZulu to learn how to look for meaning and complexities in storybooks, make learning fun, and manage children’s behaviour.

Buka lokhu okuqoshiwe (videos) ngesiZulu kumbe ngesingisi ukufunda ukuthola umqondo nokukujula kwezindaba, ukwenza ukufunda kujabulise, kanye nokulawula ukuziphatha kwabantwana.

Bonus Storybook Library

Ibhonasi yomtapo wezincwadi zezindaba

Watch interactive storybook readings for children and learn how to understand the meaning in the stories with parent workshops in English and isiZulu. The bonus storybooks are also available for download straight to your device.

Buka ukufundwa kwencwadi yabantwana okuhlanganyelwe ndawonye uphinde ufunde enkundleni yokufundisana yabazali yesiZulu neSingisi ukuthi uwuthola kanjani umqondo wendaba. Izindaba eziyibhonasi ziyatholakala uma uzozi-download.

Bonus StoryBook Library

Ibhonasi yomtapo wezincwadi zezindaba

Books for Skills

Our reading library aims to teach children how to deal with feelings of Self Esteem, Critical Thinking, Perspective, Creativity, Interconnectedness, Empathy and Grief.

Izincwadi zamakhono

Umtapo wethu wokufunda uhlose ukufundisa ukubhekana nemizwa ehlukene kubantwana okungaba ukuzithemba, ukucabanga ngobuhlakani, ukuba nomubono, ubuciko, ukuxhumana, uzwelo kanye nokuzila.

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Hlanganyela nomphakathi wethu enkundleni yokuxhumana.

Xhumana nathi enkundleni yezokuxhumana ethandwa nguwe.

Iba owokuqala ukuzwa ngezakamumva, ukubuza imibuzo uphinde ube ngowokuqala ukuhlabeka umxhwele. Singakujabulela kakhulu ukubona ukuthi yini oyakha ekhaya, siyacela ukuba usi-tag… #ThandaLearn